Annual Flu Vaccine Requirement
All eligible existing and incoming students at Johns Hopkins University who will be working or studying at a U.S.-based university campus or work site are required to have the Annual Flu Vaccine during the Flu season from August to May.
JHU Mandatory Flu Vaccine Policy
Note: Information on requesting medical & religious exceptions to these requirements can be found on this web page.
All students (except School of Nursing) must provide proof of receiving the flu vaccine and upload it to MyHealth Portal
School of Nursing
School of Nursing Students should upload their records to
School of Medicine
- SOM students and learners follow the JHM Flu Vaccine policy
- SOM students and post-doctoral fellows should submit all documentation to MyHealth Portal.
- SOM house staff should submit all documentation to
- House staff and postdoctoral fellows can access Walgreens vouchers through if they wish to get their flu shot at a Walgreens location off-campus.
Consequences of non-compliance
Students who have not uploaded documentation that they have been fully vaccinated or filed a request for an exception are subject to progressive enforcement measures, including but not limited to:
Holds will be placed on Course Registration on December 1st, 2025.
Students coming to campus in the Spring term will have a hold placed on February 3rd, 2026